Hey watsup
I've been super stuck recently, like glued to the ground.
Ive been experimenting and trying too many things and I change course after trying it only a bit, and I drift again. Its gotten frustrating.
I guess the real killer for me is the voices inside haunting me, telling me I ain't good enough, I can't accomplish anything.
I've been depressed for awhile, because self hate and low self-esteem kills me inside and stops me from making anything. And the guilt of relaxing, when I could be doing something productive.
I have no regime or no direction, I feel like a sailor looking for el dorado
I've been rewatching this video to clear my head, God bless ya Marc
Marc Brunet how to kill your passion for art
It makes me go like "man, I've literally made every mistake in the book."
Lately I've been trying not to think this way, but everytime I come back to make, the voices come along with it and the enjoyment fades.
Almost beating ninja gaiden on nes
The show actually got good kinda as it went on, but I mean it's still fucking uncle grandpa
Yakuza like a dragon, I thought the combat sucked. So I thought the whole game sucked, but then I grew to really like it.
I've been binging Bleach, and watching the arrancar arc and I love it.
I'm a fan of chainsaw man and I follow the manga, which I rarely even read manga, but it's one the few I keep with
Those are my favorites.
At 1/27/24 04:38 AM, ShayInator wrote:Goro Majima. I would marry this man.
I'm a man, but I get it
My buddy ol Bowser
oh yeah baby
At 12/31/23 02:29 PM, TheShokBlok wrote:At 12/17/23 09:36 AM, SolidAirgasm wrote:800
"It's a girl with red hair, but more orange-ish, she has antennae that are like throwing lightning bolts, her body is all robotic, she's wearing a tank top with a belt around her belly, she's also wearing shorts, gloves and boots, she's missing her left hand from around the elbow downwards, but she has a hand that is floating separately from her arm, looks kinda like she can throw it around"
My version:
I guess you might get to see some similarities if you squint really hard, well, at least I was right to not make the antennae cast bigass bolts! I think someone might be making knockoff androids.
Not bad bro
At 12/31/23 06:07 PM, Underwhirl wrote:I haven’t read the manga yet (I’ve been too caught up in Berserk) but I really wanna dive into it, esp since the anime is taking so long to make. I’m looking forward to the movie that was just announced, I hope it comes to a theater in my area.
I haven't read berserk.
I really recommend it, it gets real batshit and really carefully puts the pieces together for tense ass moments, in ways I don't see a lot of anime make me feel.
It also feels down to earth.
Reze arc has almost no brakes, so a movie is fitting, I also hope it'll be around my area too.
At 12/28/23 09:23 PM, waspytomboy wrote:My favorite is probably Quanxi!
Shes cool
A new movie comin out. Which is pretty cool and i think makes a lot of sense, since Mappa is a hella busy studio, they're working on how many shows? Props to them
And hey they're doing Reze!
Hey! im really into chainsaw man
im a fan and i follow the manga series
You can talk about your fave characters, fave arc, whatevs. My personal fave is Power(popular choice iknow) but i relate most to Denji and Aki.
So yeah feel free
At 12/19/23 04:01 AM, SpriBri wrote:Hi im Bee and finding online friends through modern means has failed me and discord servers suck bad. looking for people (no minors please) to chat with feel free to add me on here and DM or on my discord 8utter
Hey we can chat a bit, I'm looking for friends, and i also couldn't find anyone on discord.
At 12/17/23 05:27 PM, JJBolton635 wrote:At 12/17/23 02:47 PM, SolidAirgasm wrote:Hey!
Im looking for some friends, i get pretty lonesome
I sent you a friend request and if you want we can chat through the DMs or Discord.
Sounds good!
At 12/22/22 08:04 AM, Calamancyy wrote:spunch bop
Im looking for some friends, i get pretty lonesome
Sometimes i feel like im not good enough
re2 remakes sewer part. it was just never fun tbh. Every playthrough when i get to that part, i go "uuuuggh".
Mega man 4 is the best classic Mega man game and the best nes game overall
It refines the good parts of the earlier games and brings cool new things like the buster charge! and its also the hardest classic game, it still punches me in the bong.
Im really also fond of Ninja Gaiden, i used to watch lets plays on yt and then years later i play it, and i lose my mind. It was a good time, its the game i can never beat.
Kiryu from yakuza, showed me what a man is
Batman arkham origins
No one gives a fuck about this game, but it my first batman game of the series.
It's not really that great compared to the other games, but it's got a special place in me.
At 12/2/23 12:51 PM, OnixDark wrote:mobile issue
propper reply: for some reason, uploading stuff on mobile causes involuntary rotation and flipping. the fact that it doesn't happen on propper computers suggests the 2 words far above.
dammit mobile
At 12/1/23 02:47 PM, Positron832 wrote:It's rotated for me unless I click it to open it up in the art viewer thingy. I'm guessing it's something with the metadata not being handled correctly on NG's end.
yeah i know
its real weird, it works when i upload it thru my laptop
At 12/1/23 12:35 PM, TomFulp wrote:At 12/1/23 12:31 PM, SolidAirgasm wrote:Hello
When i upload pics of my drawings they come out flipped, even tho when i published it it loaded right
Some of my most recent drawings are coming out this way which i took photos with on my phone,
Are these from an iPhone? We have some persistent issues related to how iPhone stores rotation meta data with photos that doesn't translate over to NG's side of things. If any web dev gurus know how to fix this, let me know!
I have a samsung, but thats probably still the problem
however i tried screenshotting the pics thru my laptop and it worked!
soo nevermind
When i upload pics of my drawings they come out flipped, even tho when i published it it loaded right
Some of my most recent drawings are coming out this way which i took photos with on my phone,
So the second pic i uploaded flipped sideways, even tho when i published it it was horizontal
Idk if its appearing only for me or is it gonna show up for anyone else.