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Reviews for "Microbe Kombat"


I really enjoyed the game; It was new and different in my opinion. My only problem with it is that it wasn't really challenging enough. Also the use of division was a little... useless. When you divided you were weak against any larger microbes again and the other divided cell was likely just to eaten. It just didn't really help you know? Just my opinion.

Like spore

Its actually just like spore, only less.. 3Dish. I like it though. 8/10

HeroInteractive responds:

I can't tell you how many comments like this I've responded to. Let me just hit the main points of my usual rant for you:
1) This is NOT, I repeat, NOT a Spore copy.
2) The only similarity between Microbe Kombat and Spore is that they both have cellular stages that require you to grow. The design is COMPLETELY different.
3) The "eat something and grow larger" concept is NOT new to games. In fact it's used over and over again and again in MANY games. Are all of those Spore copies, too?
4) This game was in development before anyone at Hero Interactive even knew what the cell stage of Spore would look like.

Thank you.

the game was ok

i liked the game for tthe first few levels then it got really boring

Very nice

It was a really entertaining game. Would have been nice to grow larger so dividing wasn't such a dangerous thing and having the choice of different sized playing fields. Also it would have been nice to play again as some of the enemies when you beat the game.


This game could have been cool if there was any strategy involved, but unfortunately, there isn't. Dividing gets you killed immediately, so you can't make an army or anything, and so the only thing you can do is rush for the food to get bigger. The only thing that makes the game difficult is the frustrating way your microbe fails to eat things that aren't in the exact right place at the exact right time. So, overall, not that great.

HeroInteractive responds:

Okay Jashugan, thanks for your feedback.