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Reviews for "Microbe Kombat"

Another amazing game from HeroInteractive!

Amazing!, i thought you couldn't make anymore games that was amazing and well polished, but you keep on making awsome games that is certain to make a smile on my face
( i.e. bubble tanks 2)

graphics:9.5/10 (very simple colours)
sound:9/10 (some m usic)
fun to play!:9.2/10(you don't get damaging upgrades early on)

Also it's got one very cool menu design! I've never seen anything like it!

HeroInteractive responds:

Wow thank you! We're still working hard to produce more games that you'll like. If you want more information about what games we're working on and when they're coming you check out our blog at www.herointeractive.com/blog. Thanks again for the comment.

Very fun

I like the concept of this game really original

fun fun fun

i like it alot.

although some of the color changes made it really hard to adjust to the next level.


...think I might have nightmares about those infected cells...

It's almost like mini spore!

Amazingly entertaing for a quick, but very absorbing game. It looked very nice, nice job of making micro organisms. But my favorite part had to be the music, it just fit so well. Anyways, great job on this!

HeroInteractive responds:

We were really happy with the music, too! Thanks!