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Reviews for "Bunny Invasion 2"

Awesome game.

I imagine this'll be pretty popular in austrailia where rabbits are a major pestilence. Nice grpahics character design is simple , but pretty good, and somewhat cute The controls are Nice and responsive and the gameplay is overall just lots, of fun, I find this and lots of other defense games highly addictive which is why I like that you added a save option as well, so I can come back to it from time to time without having to play for hours in a row, which I tend to do to excess with game slike this, also nice weapon and upgrade system, Overall, just an awesome job here and keep up the good work.

PS I've noticed a few of your works revolve around rabbits and other small animals is there a story behind it, or just coincedence?

Straight into Favorites

Outstanding game,..can't get enough of it. Genius.


Great concept and artwork!


this was pretty cool actually....granted its just a bunch of bunnies running towards u...and i didnt see what happens when they get to the base but i assume its like most other games....i gotta get goin or else id play more but it seems itd be fun to play with all the other weapons and the upgrades