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Reviews for "Sole Gunner"

I LOVE THIS GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i can belive it, megaman and sonic???? CONTRA AND SONIC??????? WTH???? this game has a lot of GUNSTAR HEROES, please, nobody played sega games????

it has the gems like gunstar heroes and some level sections, but its ok, the problem is: i like hard games, but this game its too much frustrating, this games needs checkpoints or something, because some people get frustrated with this difficut. i give you 4 stars because you copied many things from gunstar heroes , except for the great gameplay from gunstar. the difficult its ok, but checkpoints will be great.

On the seconds stage when you jump it keeps going up untill you hit the roof and then you have to wait for the screen to come up and you die.

Pretty crappy attempt at a Gunstar Heroes type game. Didn't even use original music, or at least music from other games that would sound decent.

Sonic and contra melted together. That was what I felt. Some controls are broken, you can not dusk, there is no such sense of intuity. But I liked HP bar, medals and all that crap. so it is a 3 stars. This game is a gem. Polish it better. ;)