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Reviews for "Ridiculous Text Adventures"


Interesting , i wold like to see more action

Haha. A very cool, very simplistic little text based adventure game, that can really surprise you with the ridiculous(intended) situations that it sets you up with. The game has a rather unique style of capturing your attention and that is through the simplicity of controls and choices that makes your progress as well as with the completely random turn of events that happen. The music is also very fitting and relaxing, which makes the game even better. The multiple endings along with the achievements to easily keep track of them are also a really nice touch. I guess a slight issue I had was when I was obtaining the last few endings... I started getting impatient and I would accidentally skip a crucial dialogue choice(multiple times), also the controls seemed a bit more sensitive in certain instances. However these are all just minor issues of a really interesting game. I made a let's play of it right here: https://youtu.be/WgZAuA7RfPI , and it was quite fun to figure out all the endings. All in all, good job and keep it going.

you pitched a game as interview advice to your sister with the eventual result of getting job as a zookeeper cleaning toilets? Hysterical gold sir!

I enjoyed this 20 minutes playing this game. Text based games are usually awful, but this one was incredible. Please make more games like this, and if possible, with as much as possible stories.