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Reviews for "Sole Gunner"

Woah, dude, I had no idea this thing was going to be that hard! Just when I thought I had gone through the first hard level, I wasn't even done with that level entirely! You really just have to keep on firing and blowing up absolutely everything in sight here. That being said, it was still a well done game. I liked how all the enemies had such different designs. It's the first game I've played in awhile where my fingers hurt.

I like the design of the main character too. It's weird how the character looks male in the game, but female on the game preview image thing. People who are really good gamers should enjoy this. The music was also pretty stylish. I'm glad there's a medal for beating the first level.

Cool game. The only thing that bothers me about the game are the controls

I really liked this game, and not being able to shoot diagonally added more of a challenge to the game.

Good Game, Nice music selection, just the fact that, you have a high chance of getting hit no matter what on bosses. if it would have made it a tad easier like in the first boss, when fish are flying up from the ground, they hit u no matter what. if you were allowed to shoot downwards that would be awesome. but 4 stars

Good game, but there's a glitch. On level 2-1, if you jump, you get stuck in mid-air unable to land or move farther in the level.