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Reviews for "Sole Gunner"

I would love this game if I could change the controls. It's stuuuuuupid hard, but I think part of that is I would love to move with wasd jump with ' and shoot with ;.

Design is great, music is fine, and the game seems really... fun

Why can't I shoot diagonally?

Uhm. Overall pretty good game, A step towards the right direction of Gunstar Heroes, but... The Directional Firing is a terrible issue, diagonal firing is essential in these fast-paced action shooters.
As well as the delay in level two, and the recurring Boss problem I keep having, that kills the playtime in general for me.
More so, Kickstarting your fund would be a step in the right direction, but if you plan to make money via that system, you should attend to the bugs first before doing that, so people get a idea of how great a game this could be.

I really liked the game, it is truly an awesome return on the late 80s - early 90s. That's said I've played the level 1-1, 1-2 and 1-3 (I'm sorry I'm a little short of time, but I'll definitely play the rest later) so my review is only about those portions of level 1 (I'll update the review later if I can).
The music is good I'd like it to have more character like a more memorable theme (or stuff like that, but it's still good and suits the gameplay pretty well). I also love the gameplay and I liked the good variety of weapons from the Machinegun to the Spreadgun, etc.
I also found it pretty difficult from 1-2, I like the idea of a level where you have to keep running on the boat to go on. That said I didn't like the fact that there's no way to know that it's more safe to go with the Machinegun since the laser can't break the walls on time (due to it's low rate of fire and power, but that's something that was also in those games from the past, the good old trial and error). I totally hate those flying enemies which like drop fireballs down to the player, in fact due to the nature of the level those fireballs are impossible to dodge. At least they should drop them in a preset pattern, so it can be dodged with skills (because a game should be hard but it should give the player the chance to reach the end without taking damage if he/she is skilled at it). Also I hated the 1-3 boss for almost the same reason. It sucks your projectiles in which is not how I'd like to fight a boss. Also when it sucks the mines and then stops the mines just stand there while it charges at you, so you have no choice to be damaged by the boss or by the mines. It's not a fair fight where skills are involved, but it's more like a last stand where who dies first loses. It should be fixed, in order to let the player attack the boss with his/her skills and also the boss should be more aggressive but shouldn't cover the whole screen with mines (at least make them so there's enough space for the player to jump the boss between them).

PS: Also level 1-1 boss is way too easy, since it basically repeats that pattern till it's dead.
Level 1-2 boss is fine, still I'd like that it's chasing bullets would chase you a bit more around the level (also if this is implemented, I don't know since I didn't jump into it, but when the boss shields make it so that the shield won't damage the player allowing him to jump through to avoid the chasing bullets, or add some platforms around the zone to let the player jump safely over the boss.

I love this game and it looks really good. So I hope it really can give skillful players a good challenge, without forcing them into taking damage(personally I prefer limited continues over an unfair game).

Well notbad on this game seems like you can really do a lot on this game and I like the control options, I think the music was nice but could also use more choices to fit some better moods of the game, for me you have made a fun game here very addictive too so nice work
